Adult Nursing » Adult Nursing

Adult Nursing

Class of 2027
Next CLASS starts OCTOBER 2025
Entrance Exam
dates TBD
The fee for the exam is a nonrefundable $80 paid, in advance by credit card (when dates are announced) or  money order the day of exam.
Before the day of the exam follow the directions in the link below to obtain a  TEAS ID number


            The day of exam you must bring:

  • $80 money order payable Curtis HS (if you have not paid by credit card on website)
  • High School Diploma or GED
  • Social Security Card  
  • Valid government issued photo ID (proof you are 18 years of age or older)
The fee for the entrance exam is $80.
The Practical Nursing Program is a two year program that provides preparation for
NYS Licensure as a Licensed Practical Nurse.
First Year classes begin in October and end in June.
Second Year classes begin in September and end in June.
Classes are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:00-9:00pm

The Practical Nursing Program-introduces students to basic nursing skills that promote and maintain wellness. It teaches students to address the basic needs of individuals. Topics covered include normal anatomy and physiology, human growth and development, fundamentals of nursing and principles of pharmacology. Students learn nursing interventions that are used to address common health problems. Students learn advanced nursing skills to restore, promote and maintain wellness in clients with common health problems in the acute and residential car settings. Nursing students learn about therapeutic diets related to the health care needs of their client as well as cultural and religious factors.
Tuition is $15,000 paid over four semesters*.
Tuition includes: a licensing review course at the completion of the program

Financial aid not available*

Students entering the Practical Nursing Program at Curtis High School must take and pass the ATI TEAS entrance exam, show evidence of successfully completing high school and show proof of United States Citizenship.

  • Year 1: Fundamentals of Nursing 1 & 2; Life Cycle; Anatomy and Physiology; Nutrition and Medication Administration
  • Year 2: Nursing Care Problems of the Adult 1 & 2; Pharmacology, Maternal/Child Health I - Obstetrics II - Pediatrics; and Vocational Adjustments.
Upon successful completion of these courses (grade 75 or higher) including the clinical component, the student will be eligible to sit for the New York State Licensing Examination (NCLEX).